Hi All,
The Wessex Repeater Group have asked us to publicise the following, with regard to their new GB3WX 6m/10m cross-band repeater.
"We are looking for an ALINCO DX70TH.....
Anyone out there got one they want to sell to us ........As you are aware, we now have the NoV and are looking for another DX70TH, to go with our existing unit - one for each band.
We have approached the main supplier, who did not have any secondhand units, and was only prepared to offer a discount equivalent to the shipping cost (!) on a new unit. Bearing in mind the product has now been dis-continued, in favour of the newly released DX-SR8E.
Anyway, if you have one or know of anyone who has one that they may be prepared to let go for a sensible price, or even donate (hi, sorry had to get that in) please ask them to contact us."