The following text was e-mailed to all on the GB3JB and GB3WX mailing lists, earlier this afternoon.
Hi All,
Firstly. I hope that you all had a pleasant Christmas and are ready for whatever the New Year holds for you; nothing but good things, I hope.
Secondly. Sorry for what is a very long and detailed, but very important, communication.
Now to business.
The primary purpose of this e-mail, however, is to advise you of a meeting, to discuss the future of GB3JB and the potential impact on GB3WX.
As you are one of the repeaters’ previous / existing financial supporters or simply just a user, you have been invited to attend a very critical meeting.
The meeting will take place on Sunday 30th January 2011.
The location being the Methodist Church Hall, Wincanton, Somerset. The entrance being via the Memorial Hall car park.
Start time being 1:30 pm SHARP. (Doors will open at 1:00 pm).
Light refreshment will be provided.
There will be a small charge of £1 per person, made on the door, to assist with the Hall fee and cost of refreshments.
Since it is important to know how many will be attending, so that suitable seating and appropriate refreshments can be organised, it is important that you confirm if you will be attending.
Please indicate your Full Name and Callsign on all responses, since not all of our e-mail circulation list can be associated with a specific name or callsign.
Confirmation of your attending should be sent to as soon as possible, but not later than Sunday 23rd January 2011.
An acknowledgement of the receipt of your confirmation of attending will also be issued, via the above e-mail.
It will perhaps be useful for you to know why this very important meeting is being called.
As you are all aware, several months ago, on 19th October, I e-mailed you all with an outline of the situation, and asking for support.
As you may have gathered by now, very little was received.
However, our thanks to those of you who offered suggestions regarding the PSU issue. Most helpful, and that problem was resolved.
Only around £170 has been received in donations, to date, mostly from the usual half dozen or so, and there has been no interested parties offering to get involved in the maintenance / technical side of things.
Since its inception, both Clem (G3UGR) and myself (G3ZXX) have run GB3JB on what we like to call ‘a benevolent dictatorship’ basis. With accounting support from Peter (M0ACD), and assistance from other willing helpers, when required. In some respects, this was likely to be the eventual case with GB3WX.
Also, when there has been a shortfall in funds, to cover site fees or insurance or the costs associated with unexpected repairs or replacement parts etc., then we have again covered this expenditure, ourselves.
However, this situation must now change.
Age, environment and lifestyle etc., impact on health. AS will be appreciated by all, and these issues have finally caught up with both Clem and myself, with neither of us is in a position to carry on, as we have.
Both of us are now suffering from serious long term and ongoing health problems, with the obvious physical and financial implications.
Clem and myself are not looking to claw back the significant amounts of money that we have invested in GB3JB and the GB3WX project.
However all existing supporters and users need to understand that we can no longer do this for you.
Therefore, the time has come for others to have to step into what is going to become a significant breach, during the coming year.
Having stated that, Clem and I will be happy to provide as much support as we can for as long as we can.
Unless anything unexpected happens, then GB3JB, will keep going until the end of October 2011, when the site fee is due and the insurance is also due for renewal.
As a supporter of GB3JB and/or GB3WX, you have made a donation/s to its maintenance and running, or as is the case with GB3WX, its construction and development.
We would therefore request that you make every effort to attend, as your views are of the utmost importance to us.
As a user of GB3JB, you are very welcome to attend and participate in the discussion. However, since you have not made any direct financial commitment to GB3JB, at any time, prior to the issue of this meeting notification, then you will be excluded from any vote/s that may take place.
Where any vote/s do take place, then each individual supporter, present at the meeting, shall have 1 vote per item voted upon.
However, where more than 1 individual is present, representing any club, group or society etc., which has made a donation/s to GB3JB or GB3WX, then only 1 vote per vote shall be available irrespective of the number of individuals that are present from any club, group or society etc.,
Supporters, who are unable to attend the meeting itself, are invited to put forward any constructive comments, suggestions or thoughts that they may wish to make. Please forward your written input, via e-mail to:
Printouts of your constructive e-mails will be available for attendees to read, prior to the start of the meeting.
In ALL cases, G3UGR and G3ZXX shall be the final arbiters regarding all and any aspects relating to the conduct of the meeting and its proceedings any decisions to take any specific vote any points of order or any tied votes, etc.,
With specific regard to GB3WX, although somewhat delayed regarding final installation, GB3WX has been on air several times since getting its NoV, and has had significant additional financial input from Clem, Peter (G3BPM) and myself, over the last 6 months or so. It is more or less ready to go, subject to final programming of the controller, site installation of the kit and new antennas, and testing, which Clem and I will attempt to carry out as soon as the weather and health, permits.
However, it is safe to say that this will not occur until after the meeting on the 30th, and then only subject to at least a route to a secure future regarding financial and technical support for GB3JB and the site (and GB3WX), has been put in place.
The text of this e-mail will also be placed on the GB3JB and GB3WX web pages.
Please feel free to forward on, this communication, to any other amateurs whom you feel may be interested in its contents and be prepared to offer assistance.
Please do not alter or amend the text in anyway, and please also ensure that the reply address is included.
Cheers & 73’s
Dave, G3ZXX.
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Please click HERE to go to our NEW web site.
These pages are no longer being updated.
Please also note that the "Contact Us" e-mail address, shown here is no longer available.
SITE LAST UPDATED ON: Saturday, 10/01/2015 @ 4:35 pm local time.
RV63 - Out 145.7875 MHz - In 145.1875 MHz - 103.5 Hz ctcss (G).
The system is located in South Wiltshire, in IO81vc, and provides coverage across South Wiltshire, South Somerset and North Dorset, with specific areas such as the City of Salisbury, Salisbury Plain, the Blackmore Vale and Cranborne Chase being well within its range. Coverage also extends, for fixed stations, across most of central and parts of North Wiltshire, Southern Dorset and West Hampshire, plus parts of North and West Somerset. See coverage map.
GB3JB is an analogue voice repeater, with no internet linking, simple intuitive logic and no bells or whistles. The beacon sends callsign and locator. The invitation to transmit is a single dit.
The simple rules for using GB3JB ....
(2) All users of GB3JB are expected to operate their station within the terms of their specific licence conditions and restrictions.
(3) When in QSO, please wait for the invitation to transmit (a single dit), and always leave a pause between overs' - always give others a chance to call-in.
(4) Please use good operating practices and procedures. Mobiles have priority. Remember, if a station calls in, during the gap between overs', always acknowledge them and please DON'T leave them sitting on the side, while everyone else has an over.
(6) If, under lift conditions, you wish to use another repeater on RV63, please turn off the 103.5 Hz ctcss tone, otherwise you will still access GB3JB.
(7) Remember that you are Radio Amateurs, using an Amateur Radio facility, so please use the appropriate operating practices and procedures.
Since you have taken the trouble to get an Amateur Licence, surely it's not to much to expect of you, that you use Amateur Radio abbreviation and accepted terminology, such as the Q-codes. We do not have a '20', we have a 'location' or 'QTH'. We do not have a 'personal', we have a 'name', etc., etc., If you still use CB, that's fine, no problem, BUT please leave the CB lingo for CB, and not when you use GB3JB or any other Amateur Radio facility or the Amateur bands.
(8) Ignore any idots - If you don't hear a callsign, do NOT respond - EVER !