The Tower, that was donated to the repeater, by Dick G0XAY, is now at the GB3JB site.
The next move is to dig a 1.5m x 1.5m x 1.5m, hole in the chalk, and then get the tower into it, and vertical.
Then, it's a load of concrete !
Thanks are due, from all of us, to:
Dick, G0XAY, for his very kind donation of the Tower.
Andy G6JRS, David G0AYD, Dick G0XAY, James, John G4GAU, Robin G3TKF, Philip and Terry G8ALR, for making themselves available for the humping and heaving bits, of shifting the tower.
Philip, of Onward Driver Training. It would not have been possible with out the use of his transport facilities.
Cheers & 73's
Dave, G3ZXX.