Well, it's taking a time, but things really are progressing - HONEST.
I can report that the new dump load system, is taking shape, and construction is moving forward.
There will be several staged additions to get to the final system up and running. These, will also involve changes to the repeaters main controller, however, the first stage should see "JB" back on air, in the not too distant future.
I must stress that a lot of effort is being put into this, and "JB" will NOT come back on air, until we are certain that we can safely run the system without the risk of writing off another dump load and another set of very expensive batteries. NEW batteries are already available for installation.
With regard to the damaged antenna mast, and antenna. As previously advised, a replacement antenna is already available, and there are various options available, regarding a replacement for the mast.
Please be assured that we WILL get GB3JB back on air as soon as we can.
Finally, a BIG thank you to all who have recently made donations for the repair / maintenance of the repeater, they are very much appreciated.
Cheers & 73
Dave, G3ZXX