With the invaluable support and assistance of Dave G0AYD, Sam (Dave's Son), Jon G0IUE and Matthew M6XBX (Jon's Son), I was able to get GB3JB, back on air.
It came back on at approx., 2:30 pm, today, Sunday, 27th May 2012.
You may however, find that it is about an "S" unit or so, weaker, than previously. With the obvious reciprocal reduction in sensitivity.
This is because the antenna is over 20ft, or so, lower, than it's previous height.
The antenna installation, is temporary, while I make final arrangements to get the 15m tower to the site, and get the thing installed. However, this may well take a couple of months to complete.
The current system, is running with the same antenna, which did need a bit of TLC, as did the connection between the antenna and the LRM-400 feeder, which is also still the original full length.
The dump load is NEW, as are the batteries, a further 250AH worth at 24 volts, nominal.
Again, thanks to David, Sam, Jon and Matthew. Your assistance, was very much appreciated, as always.
See some pic's, below.......
See some pic's, below.......
Cheers & 73's